Pictures born with music.

Märjamaa Music and Art School organizes international art contest for art-schools „Surprising find”. The aim of the contest is to encourage children to deal with their own creative works. To express oneself, to recognize gifted young artists and put up a memorable artshow. In 2010 the hint – theme, was „Seize the Day”. Catch the music and colors! Create a picture with music realtime and feeling. As a tradition the exhibition was put up of the best artworks and the authors were asked to participate the workshop. There was also a music contest in parallel for estonian music schools´ students. Finalists of music contest had also a possibility to participate the art workshop. Realtime music and art. The expressive painting with music as a workshop was directed by AEROSFAER jazzrock group – Toomas Rull (dr), Mihkel Mälgand (b), Raun Juurikas (keyb), Raul Sööt (sax), Marek Talts (guit) and Tõnu Talve live painting.

Art-event, that was open for every eye, ear and soul, took place at Märjamaa Peoples´ House´s spacious and white hall. Sensitive-developing music came from the scene. In front of the stage with T.Talve´s energetic and artistic nature, opened a cowork with musicians and the painter. T.T. uses the inspiration of music – cowork might do the trick or pilot the painters mind so, that it involves the participants in creative process, too. Everything is open for feeling and recording as one´s own inspiration tells. This inspiring music infected the young participants, wakeful music students plus several guests, who followed the event. The space in front of the stage was turned into a hugh painting board, where everybody could use gouache-paints, brushes, rollers and buffs to do the artwork.

The musicians on the stage could notice, who and how started their move – expressively, spontaneously or listened music more than painted. Musicians saw from the faces of the participants, that the idea worked perfectly and felt the inspiration coming from the people in the hall. Atmosphere was warm and pushing. The spark between the musicians ignited all the involved. Energy came back and forth. A real synergy emerged. It processed and gave birth to many colorful and emotional artworks. Rhythms, shades of sound passed over to artistic handmovements and choice of colors. The same reflected in musicians´ sound passages. The feeling – all that happened realtime, was out of real time and space. It was a sovereign world, that took unwaveringly.

A genuine art and music experience for the public also.

Anne Aaspõllu

Märjamaa Music- and Art School teacher.